Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority
From The RadioReference Wiki
Radio ID/Call Numbers
Rail Vehicles
Radio IDs are 2 followed by their 4-digit road number (Eg. 3707 is 23707, 1608 is 21608, 0704 is 20704). Call numbers (similar to call sign) are the same as the train's lead unit road number. Often the leading digit will be dropped (Eg. 3707 would call as 707, 1608 as 608, 0704 as 704).
Radio IDs are 1 followed by their 4-digit road number (Eg. 1313 is 11313, 1856 is 11856). Call Numbers are the same as the bus's road number.
Portables are any radios that aren't permanently mounted in any vehicle. Their radio ID is irrelevant to their use. Their call numbers are based on where they are based, and is always preceded by "portable ###" when talking.
Transit ambassadors also have radios, but they identify themselves as "Transit ambassador at ___ station"
PT# Ranges
0##s - Multiple (1-30: Cheifs/Supervisors, 31-60: Blue Line, 61-?: Off-time Supervisors)
1##s - Red Line
2##s - Orange Line
3##s - Unidentified
4##s - Southampton
5##s - Unidentified
6##s - Unidentified
7##s - Unidentified
8##s - Unidentified
9##s - Green Line (929-939: Supervisors)
Unidentified Talk Groups
Dec Disc
274 Red Line?
285 Red Line?
290 Orange Line?
293 Orange Line?
298 Orange Line?
307 Green line?
313 Green line?
317 Green Line?
320 Green Line?
324 Blue Line?
326 Blue Line?
327 Blue Line?
329 Blue Line?
538 Bus?
546 Bus?
1092 MoW?